Mappa Milano Italia Road Map

Mappa Milano Italia Road Map

The Milan Transportation Map aloft shows Milan's three above alms lines, alleged Metropolitana and articular by signs with the accomplishments blush that you'll see on the map and an "M". The three curve are Band (linea) 1, the red line, Band 2, the blooming line, and band 3, the chicken line. There is additionally the dejected Passante Ferroviario, an burghal abuse line.

The map alone shows the curve in the centermost of Milan. These are the above burghal stops that a day-tripper will be anxious with. The atramentous boxes are curve that affix with railroad stations, the better of which is Milano Centrale, in the arctic division of the map. Where the band continues off our map, the characterization in basic belletrist gives you the band and aftermost stop (direction).

The Duomo is the centermost of Milan. Most of the day-tripper sites are aural accessible walking ambit of the Duomo.

Mappa Milano Italia Road Map

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